Missouri Health Care Association now offers Certified Medication Training (CMT) and Insulin Training Courses. Please click on a heading below to open the information about each course. When you begin the registration process, be sure to fully read all of the information on the registration page before registering.
If you are with a member facility, please make sure you are signed into the facility member account before completing registration or you will be charged the non-member rate.
CMT Certification Class
Course Dates:
January 27 – April 21, 2025
- January 27 – In-Seat Only
- February 10 – Hybrid
- February 17 – Hybrid
- February 24 – Hybrid
- March 10 – Hybrid
- March 17 – Hybrid
- March 24 – Hybrid
- March 31 – Hybrid
- April 14 – In Seat Only
- April 21 – In Seat Only – State Exam
Course Times:
Monday Evenings 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Course Type:
In Seat and Hybrid
Location for In-Person:
Missouri Health Care Association – Lower Level Meeting Room
236 Metro Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65109
In-seat Option or Online Option:
- MHCA Members – $900 per person
- Non-Members – $1,500 per person
Pre-registration is required one week prior to the start date to assure materials are ordered.
Payment/registration must be received by noon the day before the workshop begins. Company checks or money orders should be made payable to MHCA. Credit card payments are accepted. We accept Visa, MasterCard & American Express. We do not accept personal checks.
Course Requirements:
Attend all classes either in-person or online
- Must attend the following dates in-person:
January 27
April 14
April 21 (test day)
- Zoom option available on the following dates:
February 10
February 17
February 24
March 10
March 17
March 24
March 31
- A letter of recommendation is required for the student including information recommending the student to take the course, and include contact information for the person writing the recommendation. The letter must come from either the current employer facility administrator or director of nursing or from a previous long-term care employer if unemployed. This letter must be uploaded, emailed to Shellie Goodin, shellie@mohealthcare.com, or faxed to Attn: Shellie, 573-893-5248 prior to attending the class.
- The Student is required to be registered on the Family Care Safety Registry
- The Student is required to supply a copy of High School Diploma, CNA Certificate, and Family Care Safety Background Check prior to attending the class.
- All required documents can be uploaded here.
- If more than one (1) class is missed, student(s) will be dismissed from the program.
There will be no refunds for this course, but a credit for your next CMT candidate will be issued. After the second-class day at noon there will be no credits issued. Please fax or email your written substitutions/credit requests to Karina Schnieders at 573-893-5248 or karina@mohealthcare.com.
Please call the association office, 573-893-2060 and ask to speak with Shellie Goodin, MHCA Director of Clinical and Quality Services.