Medicare from Start to Finish Workshop3/12/20248:30am
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Check-In: 8:15 am
Session: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Lunch included
7.0 Admin hours total
This workshop will explore factors impacting SNF PPS assessment schedule, PDPM basics, and consolidating billing that can impact the financial facet of the facility. It also explains Medicare eligibility, coverage, and skilling criteria. The SNF QRP on demand reports from CASPER that provides information about the Medicare Part A stays in your SNF will also be reviewed. This workshop is geared towards those individuals working in long-term care who have a leadership role such as ADM, DON, ADON, or MDS Coordinator.
Crystal Plank, BSN, RN, RAC-CTA, Clinical Educator, University of MO-Sinclair School of Nursing. Crystal has worked in LTC for the past 21 years and is currently providing quality improvement consultation assistance with QIPMO. Her in-depth knowledge is concentrated in state and federal regulations, LTC infection control practices, and all aspects of the RAI process. She has expertise in MDS 3.0, reimbursement (Medicare and Medicaid), and LTC regulatory compliance. She is certified as a Resident Assessment Coordinator (RAC-CT).
Stacy Bryan, BSN, RN, RAC-CT, State RAI Coordinator and Surveyor, MO Dept of Health & Senior Services Section for Long-Term Care. She worked as a surveyor prior to being MO’s State RAI Coordinator. She is a resource for your questions on the RAI process.